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Destiny Action 01 (第4/5页)
turns clockwise. Left hook foot turn: The fourth step is to lift the left foot to the right 45 degrees, and the right foot vigorously kicks up the left ao hook the bar. Straighten the right leg back, lean the body to the left, and rotate 2-3 times clockwise. The left foot is on the toes, and the right leg is thrown backwards and the right hand is rotated 360 degrees at the same time. Right pole girl, Deborah, One-handed and one-leg twist: Holding the steel pipe in one hand, the body walks two or three times in the positive dire away from the pipe, With the iia of the rotation, the inner side of the knee of one foot is hooking the tube and turning, At this time, the other leg is slightly bent back, the waist is straight, the body is slightly bent, and the body is turned, two to three circles. Left pole girl Dulcie, Top Knee Rotation: The fourth step is to lift the left foot to the right 45 degrees, and the right foot vigorously kicks up the left ao hook the bar. Stretg the instep with the foot on the left side of the bar. The inner side of the right calf tibia sticks to the right side of the bar, Turn the hips, chest, head up, and rotate 2-3 circles clockwise. Straight Leg Small Turns: In the third step, the right leg hooks inward, and the left leg kicks up and straight to the ground. Rotate 2-3 turns clockwi