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分卷阅读12 (第1/2页)
了,不舒服?”伸手探了探他额头,并无异样。 安向晚无心的看着柜台上各式各样的华丽珠宝,不断的过来人与她交流,无非就是一些奉承与赞美的话,安向晚只浅浅的笑并不作声,助理细致的为她避开人群了走。 “时间到了吗?我要见他。”依旧轻柔的声音,看着白净纤细的指上镶着碎钻的戒指折射着奇怪的光,笑意越来越深。 “是,小姐。” ☆、番外:爱的囚徒 Outws of Love 爱的囚徒 Oh, nowhere left to go. 何去何从 Are we getting closer? 我们是否日益亲近? No. All we know is No. 不,我们都明白并非如此 Nights are getting colder, colder 夜欲寒,心欲冷 Hey. Tears all fall the same. 我们都曾黯然泪下 We all feel the rain. 受尽风雨洗礼 We 't ge. 但我们绝不妥协 Everywhere we go, we're looking for the sun. 凡至一处,我们都试图寻找一丝安稳 o grow old. We're always on the run. 四处奔波寻找,却依旧无处白头偕老 They say we'll rot in hell, but I don't think we will. 他们说我们将为孽缘步下地狱,我却愿**的囚徒 They've branded us enough. Outws of love. 我们受够了束缚,就让我以囚徒之名为爱逃亡 Scars make us who we are. 恐惧让我们看清自己 Hearts and homes are broken, broken. 就算无处安身,伤心欲绝 Far, we could go so far,with our minds wide open, open. 只要我们敞开心扉,爱就可蔓延千里 Hey. Tears all fall the same. 我们都曾黯然泪下 We all feel the rain. 受尽风雨洗礼 We 't ge. 但我们绝不妥协改变 Everywhere we go, we're looking for the sun. 凡至一处,我们都试图寻找一丝安稳 o grow old. We're always on the run. 四处奔波寻找,却依旧无处白头偕老 They say we'll rot in hell, but I don'